
Publication of data concerning the relations between pharmaceutical companies, Healthcare Professionals and Health Organizations.

In compliance with the provisions of the Code of EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) and art. 5 of the Codice Deontologico di Farmindustria (Farmindustria Ethical Code) regarding the “Transparency of transfers of value between the pharmaceutical companies, healthcare professionals and health organizations (Trasparenza nei trasferimenti di valore tra le industrie farmaceutiche, gli Operatori Sanitari e le Organizzazioni Sanitarie), Molteni is required to document and disclose any value transfers taking place, directly or indirectly, with healthcare professionals and health organizations.
Therefore, by June 30 of each year, the data referring to the previous calendar year are published and made available on the company website (
Publication of these data, carried out in compliance with the law on personal data protection, takes place in the belief that cooperation between pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare world must necessarily be based on maximum transparency.
This collaboration, essential for scientific and therapeutic advancement and development, beyond being ruled by national and international regulations, is based on the mutual respect of roles and is developed on the grounds of specific ethical rules dictated by Farmindustria, which demands and controls their correctness.
The full version of the Farmindustria Ethical Code is available at

 Report 2020
 Report 2021
 Report 2022
 Report 2023